Friday, June 19, 2015

Charleston on my mind...

Greetings and Salutations,

Had so many plans on what to write this week.  Come up with a creative piece tying the legacy of Virgil Runnels, better known as Dusty Rhodes to the real American Dream.  I wanted to republish a piece I wrote about how single mothers should not claim Father's Day for themselves.  But quite honestly...I just can't do it.  Charleston has hit me hard and it consumes me at this time. 

What is it about Charleston? I mean most who follow this blog know that I don't necessarily go with super serious topics and Lord knows that there has been many atrocities over the last few years that needed to be discussed...but there is something different about this one.  

Maybe because there's no guise about this one.  There's no young man in a hoodie on a dark street.  There's no assumption of a weapon present on a suspect.  There aren't different accounts of what transpired convoluting vicious acts of aggression.  This one's plain and simple.  These people were in a place of worship.  Practicing their beliefs.  Feeding their spirit.  One of the basic premises of Christianity is missionary campaigns.  Welcoming all who are in need of spiritual nourishment.  These people did just that and 9 people died...for what?

This individual (I can't even type his name right now) told authorities that he wanted to start a 'race war'.  *Sigh* I sit here fearful of where my kid is, who's she exposed to, and who is lurking in the shadows.  That's what you do as a father.  But places like church should be safe.  What am I supposed to tell my daughter?  We should blindly love everyone and hope we don't get murdered because our skin is darker that someone else? The more I think about it...the more my heart breaks.

I'm a fixer.  So naturally I want to come up with a plan of action to ensure that nothing like this will happen again.  But unfortunately...I got nothing.  What can we do? How can we fight monsters that we can't necessarily see until it's too late.  

I may not have the answers but it's time to start asking the questions.  Why? How can we fix it? What do we need to do? Open discussions...forums...conversations need to be had.  We won't begin to repair if we regress. Is that we start?  

Those are just my thoughts...right or wrong...just what I was feeling at the time!!!

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