Friday, November 13, 2015

The Friday 5ive: Top 5 Horror Personas of All-Time

As I continue to evolve, I wanted to write something that wasn't necessarily an entry for the Damn Newsletter.  I wanted to do something fun, fresh, and to be honest...not take a lot of time.  (Hey I'm a busy man) 

So behold my latest brainchild, The Friday 5ive.  This is a weekly top 5 countdown on well...anything. In the coming weeks, you will see countdowns on a wide variety of subjects.  Whatever pops it my head...whatever I want. So with that being said, let's get this started.  I figured since it's Friday the 13th,this countdown screamed to be done today.  

5.  Candyman

He's a man...with a hook for a hand.  People if this doesn't scare the bajesus out of you...what will? What make matters worse is that he appears when you say his name 5 times looking into a mirror, he appears.  After that movie came out in '92...I didn't look into a mirror for 8 months.  

4. Michael Myers

Michael Myers is demented and much so that actor Mike Myers never goes by Michael because of the fear he had watching those movies growing up.  Okay...I completely made that up but I wouldn't be surprised if it had a tad bit of validity.  What I can say is that Michael Myers made Halloween night a bit uncomfortable for me growing up and made Jamie Lee Curtis a house hold star.  

3.  Jason

The man that inspired this countdown.  I mean it is Friday the 13th!!!  What Jason did to those people at Camp Crystal Lake...well it did 2 things for me.  

One, I have never been to camp ever in life and don't plan on that ever happening (yes I know I'm a grown ass man but still)

Two, he taught me that you don't necessarily have to be the fastest person to get things done...just the smartest or at least be the one holding a machete.

2.  Freddy Krueger


Come on people it's Freddy Freakin' Krueger! The other ones on this list so far you can run from but this guy lives in your dreams.  How you gonna run from an entity that dominates your dreams.  I can't even sleep?! By far growing up, Freddy was the absolute scariest for me.  The face, the bladed hand, the voice, hell I could see one of those hats or a shirt that color and I was ready to pee my pants in the 80's. Don't judge me!!!

1.  Norman Bates

"I get Psycho Killer...Norman Bates" -- Old Dirty Bastard

Not withstanding being immortalized in Hip Hop by ODB, Norman Bates is easily on the top of this list.  Why? Because unlike the other guys that keep getting up from drownings and electrocutions or catching physically healthy people with bad legs or killing people in their dreams...Norman has something they don't have...

He could really exist.  Hey mental illness is real y'all and a person snapping talking to a dead mother making him kill...that could be your neighbor, a friend, a co-worker...or anybody. If that doesn't scare the s#!% out of you...nothing will. 

Hope you enjoyed....tell me what you think.  Who do you feel should be in the top 5?

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