Wednesday, January 21, 2015

The Damn Newsletter: Born with Bravery...F*CK Fear

Greetings and Salutations,

Don't you just love the smell of the first official newsletter (Damn Awards don't count) of the year in the morning...or evening...or...yeah, whatever.  Brand new year of telling my colorful stories.  Let's go.   

I haven't in recent memory felt the need and an aspiration to achieve success in a year than this year.  2014 was *knock on wood* the worst year of my life.  Now granted I have said that before but...yeah..2014 is new the king.  So I am more determine than ever to not only survive this year (which will be a victory in itself) but ascend to my rightful place...being the Best in the World!!!

So I am writing more.  The Damn Newsletter is for more "bloggy" stuff (yeah, I just made up this word) while Tumblr is for more uncensored, edgier, peel back in the layers insight about me.  In addition to that, I am playing around with a podcast.  A couple of things need to happen but I have already gotten some great ideas from some of you on social media. Please keep those ideas coming as well as what you want to me to write about in this platform as well as Tell'em Why You Mad Monday. 

One of those individuals who gave me some podcast ideas gets the official shout out.  Shout Out goes to Sergio Carbajales.  Not only is he fresh off of a 2014 "Rookie of the Year" Damn Award campaign, but Sergio has been a positive influence on me since I met him. Coming off the negative, evil year that was...I appreciate that homie.  To be honest not many guys get this honor because well...I love the ladies, but you provide to be a good friend in the relatively short (you see what I did there?) amount of time I've known you. All jokes aside...Thanks! And...uh...I'm not gonna be able to do a podcast on Nutella and French Toast for an hour (no matter how delicious it is)

So I always have a song, movie, TV show, social media post, etc. in my head.  So this next section just give you a glimpse of what entertains me.  I call it...

Now That's Damn Entertaining...

I have this love/hate relationship with Drake but this one is the classic Drake that I found so refreshing when he first burst on the scene. 

For my taste, if Drake could give me more of music like this (i.e. Best I Ever Had, Successful, etc.) and less "Young Money" music...well maybe that's just me.  

When I was 6 years old, I wanted to be a ninja when I grew up.  I wanted to save people and conquering bad guys across the globe. I had no conscience of being afraid, if I could I do it, would I be successful, would one of those bad guys kill me, or would I make this a career and make money from doing it? It wasn't until I shared my dream, doubt snuck in.  Loved ones that had the best intentions reminded me about money; superior martial art training (in Shreveport, LA mind you); death; supplies; and etc., which made me drop this dream altogether.  

Now don't get me wrong...I thank them for that because the
dream was ill-conceived and...well watching a couple of Bruce Lee movies, the Karate Kid Trilogy, and the cult classic, The Last Dragon didn't make me a ninja. For years, I thought the lesson from that was plan better (and stop letting movies heavily influence your life) but I recently I figured out that the was another lesson.  

Fear is a different emotion from most others.  It's a learned emotion.  When you are born, you don't learn to be happy or sad, or angry or jealous.  Those emotions are natural.  Fear is conditioned.  You are born being brave.  Fearless.  You learn to be afraid of fire until you get burned.  You learn not to jump off of stairs by landing awkwardly and have to go to the emergency room. (Like my godson Noah) The problem with fear is that is has no prejudice.  For every dumb thing it prevents you from doing, it hinders you from accomplishing great things.  It impedes the development of the next prominent singer/songwriter, actor, athlete, inventor, or entrepreneur.  I know EXACTLY what fear has done to me over the won't let me great!!! And I know it's halted others at accomplishing greatness.  

So my advice to you all...and well to FUCK FEAR! It's learned right? So if you learned to be fearful, you can learn to be fearless.  Bravery is embrace nature and don't let doubt, fear, anxiety, stress, or other outside factors stop you from accomplishing what you want out of life.  Your only enemy is yourself.  Maybe it's time to learn a new condition...

But those are just my thoughts...right or wrong...just what I am feeling at the time.   

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